
Hi! My name is Yoann and I have been coding for a few months now. Check out regularly this portfolio as it will evolve thanks to the new topics I learn!


Here are all the projects I coded so far. They correspond to some of the challenges from FreeCodeCamp.

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Voting App

Voting App enables to create polls as a logged in user and to vote for any existing one from any user (no login needed).

Express JS (back-end) & NoSQL DB via Heroku

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Nightlife App

Nightlife App enables to search for bars in a given location and to declare that the user is going to one of them (Twitter login required).

Express JS (back-end) & NoSQL DB via Heroku

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Simon Game

Simon Game is a memory game where the user must repeat an increasing combination of colors.

Vanilla JS

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Tic Tac Toe

Tic-Tac-Toe is a 2-player game where 3 circles or crosses have to be aligned in order to win. AI is available.

Vanilla JS

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Pomodoro Clock

Pomodoro Clock is a timer which helps alternate between work and break phases.

Vanilla JS

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Calculator is a simple 4-operation calculator.

Vanilla JS

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Weather App

Weather App is an app which prompts for the user's location and displays the corresponding weather situation.

Bootstrap & jQuery

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Wikipedia App

Wikipedia App lists the results for a given topic and also enables to be redirected to a random Wikipedia topic page.

Bootstrap & jQuery

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Quote Generator

Quote Generator randomly displays a quote. It is also possible to publish it on Twitter.

Bootstrap & jQuery

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Twitch API

Twitch API enables to check the status of a given list of Twitch users (name and status are hard-coded).


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Michael Jordan Tribute Page

This tribute page introduces former American basketball player Michael Jordan.


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If you have any question or comment, don't hesitate to fill the form below or to contact me via LinkedIn or Facebook.


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